Under Construction: Lee Jihong

25 November - 31 December 2017 TKG+ Projects

The boundary begins to blur between my life and practice in this exhibition space

A sprawl of my quotidian work

A worktable onto which a video is projected

A laptop on which I work

A chair

Some odds and ends


Between November 15 and December 31

From 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.

For eight straight hours

I will sit at the worktable and continue my work


Above the worktable

In one second a camera captures the light at the moment

In one second the obscured image of me and the tabletop is delineated

I invite viewers to leave their names or markings on the table

I will paint the tabletop white before I leave at the end of the day

Everything that has been documented will be projected onto the table tomorrow



In addition

Each day I will paint the wall for my video projection

I will record the process of me painting the wall white in a memory card

I will project the video of this process onto the wall I’ve painted white the day before

Opposite the video projection wall is a blackboard on which dates are listed

Attesting the daily installation process with a corresponding memory card